Well, considering that there's only two weeks left for the year to end, I decided to try it out on Wednesday, instead of my trusted Pocket Filo.
So you won't have to remember which format I got, it's the 'Weekly Notebook Diary/Planner, July 2010 to December 2011', Pocket Size. It's got a week on a page and notes on the other page.
I have been writing in it daily, using a pencil at first (OCD me is afraid to ruin it if I use ink, even though I'm not planning on ERASING my scribbles!).
My first impressions are mixed; I like the size of it, and the fact that it is a notebook.
But I have to adjust to it, as I don't have a Notes nor a To do section in it. So I'm having to write everything into the daily space, which isn't big at all! I'm glad that I have a separate work Filofax, or else, this little book really wouldn't be enough.
I know that the size issue can be 'fixed' by going up one size, but for those who know me... I don't do BIG! All my Filofaxes are either the Pocket or the Mini size, except for the work one, the Personal Scanda, but because it is only available in that size.
Next issue: the LACK of pockets.
I know it has a 'memento pouch' (I've always though this was a silly name) on the back, but I haven't used it yet. Maybe after some time I will.
But what I'm missing the most is a pen loop. These days I've been carrying a small aluminum mechanical pencil from Muji, attached to the elastic closure. If I want to use another pen though, I don't think that would be the best way to carry it.
And not to mention the fact that I can't add or remove sections...
So, why am I actually enjoying it?
I guess because it's not even a week that it's been in use and I'm still blinded by the novelty of a new and different system. Because I am approaching it more as a notebook (fun) rather than a planner (work). Because I have started this as a 'fling', knowing perfectly well that once the excitement is gone, I will return to my 'steady' Filo.
Or will I?