So, September already. How time flies (and not necessarily when you’re having fun)!
Over here in London the weather is already miserable and cold, winter already! Like a good friend pointed out: “Were we ever in summer?” He’s right, you know? We didn’t have summer this year.
And because of that in my mind I’ve been stuck in March/April. Which is why when I read on Philofaxy about some people already getting their calendars for next year, I thought they were crazy, they wouldn’t find them yet! But of course, two minutes (maybe even two hours) later I realised we’re already on the second semester of the year. The same thought hit me when I walked in to Paperchase two days ago on my lunch break. They had all sorts of diaries or planners, sprawled across their tables, tantalising with their beautiful layouts and the promise of leading an organised life once 01.01.2012 hits.
You and I both know it’s a lie. In my case at least. This year, due to change of work and interests and mindset, my calendar tracking has suffered tremendously.
Last year around November I started using another Filofax, besides my trusty Pocket, for work. The Personal Scanda would stay at the office and only hold work related stuff on its Quovadis inserts. But since that work was a stressful, never-stopping job, I also didn’t have time to set it up properly. I just used the WOTP. I would sometimes try to create a Notes section, but because I needed to have my calendar view at all times, it was just pointless. So, for all that note-taking (I am a scribbler at heart!) I turned to a spiral bound A5 Rhodia, a brand I love more and more every time. That too, would sleep in the office.
At home the situation was different. I was running my usual set up on the Rasberi, but I was also aching to use the cute A6, Week+Notes, 18-month diary from Moleskine. So, mid December I gave in and tried running that simultaneously with the Rasberi. Two days later I knew it was a fail, and I had to find another way of using the Mole I decided. To make matters worse, my cousin brought me the Midori Traveler from Japan. Such a thing of beauty!! In my head I felt something go –crack- . I was going to go crazy trying to figure out when and how to use such gorgeous notebook, with its undated calendars on such smooth, smooth paper.
So I just put it away in a drawer, waiting for the right moment.
During the first two months of the year, I sort of managed to keep my Rasberi and the Mole running at the same time. By March I had already quit the job I hated so much, and started preparing for moving house to an area we both enjoyed much more, a flat with even bigger space and better distribution.
This meant I could use the Rasberi again to its full potential and still have time to use the Mole.
Having so much time in my hands meant I could dedicate it to the things I enjoy (and that I can afford!), like stationery, painting, videogames, and trying new things, like knitting.
Since the Rasberi was more ‘fact-oriented’ I felt I needed a place where I could be creative, and not need a set frame or box to specific stuff. That is how I started using the Notebook. (I’ve already talked about it in here). This was a wonderful idea as I could use it wherever, whenever, and not worry about it getting dirty or anything. I could write grocery lists next to my watercolouring attempts and not feel I was ‘wasting’ paper. I even customised the cover without having a set idea, I just pasted stuff I felt like.
But in July I started working again, so I was left with little time to dedicate to both the Rasberi and the Mole. Even my usage of The Notebook became less frequent.
I have been carrying my Mini Fisnbury as my wallet, though, and it comes in quite handy for writing down quick appointments and reminders.
So, now September. My Notebook is almost full and I have already been thinking which replacement to use for it: an A5 QuoVadis Habana, which was kindly sent to me by Karen at Exaclair to try. Although my Notebook is squared, this one is lined, and I am a bit doubtful about how that will look when painting on it with my watercolours. I guess I will have to try nevertheless. Then again, knowing how easily attracted I am by fancier notebooks, who knows if I'll stick with my decision.
Hopefully,I shall be able to decide tonight.